The Trifid Nebula
The Jellyfish Nebula
The Trapezium Cluster (Orion Nebula)
The Pleiades (Close-up)
The Ghost of Cassiopeia
The Lobster Claw Nebula in SHO and L(Sii)HOO
The Bat, the Squid and the Seahorse
Soul Nebula
Hubble Space Telescope comparison
The Triangulum galaxy and the multitude of nebulae that come with it
Cygnus Wall in natural colour
The Milky-Way Core
Sharpless 187
The Eagle Nebula with the famous Pillars of Creation
Abell 31 - Sharpless 290
IC5070 - The Pelican Nebula
Barnard 142 and 143
The Crescent and The Soap Bubble
The Owl nebula
NGC4535 and NGC4526
Published in the BBC Sky at Night Magazine - December 2024 issue
The Whirlpool galaxy - Messier 51 (widefield)
Barnard 11 and Barnard 13 dark nebulae
Astronomy Now magazine Picture of the month April 2024 issue
Messier 45 - The Pleiades
Bubble nebula and Messier 52
LBN777 - Baby Eagle head
California Nebula
Published in the Sky & Telescope magazine - July 2024 issue
Sharpless 154
Sharpless 92
Published in the Astronomy Now magazine December 2023 issue
vdB 141 - The Ghost nebula in Cepheus
The Andromeda Galaxy
NGC7822 in SHO and RGB stars
Markarian's Chain
IC1396 - widefield
Pickering Triangle
Cygnus Mosaic (18 panel) in SHO-RGB
SH2-54 and NGC6604
Messier 101 (The Pinwheel galaxy) and the supernova SN2023ixf
NGC 4725 and LoTr5 (PK339+88.1) planetary nebula
IC1396 complex - 2 panel mosaic
Hydrogen alpha and the Double Cluster
Cave nebula
The Orion, the Running Man and the Trapezium
The South of the question mark
CTB1 / Abell 85 / LBN576
NGC 206
The Heart Nebula - 6 Panel mosaic in SHO-RGB
SH2-119 - The Clamshell Nebula
Picture of the month in the Astronomy Now magazine - December 2022
BBC Sky at Night Magazine - January 2023
Astronomy Magazine - February 2023
Sky & Telescope Magazine - March 2023
SH2-126 and LBN 437 (The Gecko Nebula) in HaLRGB - 2 Pane mosaic
vdB152 and Dengel-Hartl 5
Messier 38 and NGC 1907 in HaRGB
Cygnus at 135mm
IC 2177 - Seagull nebula in SHO RGB
Valentine Rose nebula - SH2-174
Flaming Star nebula
Horsehead nebula and a few of the companions in the region of the bright star Alnitak (ζ Ori) in HaRGB
Starless Hydrogen alpha version
Wispy clouds in a sea of stars
Published in the Sky & Telescope magazine - July 2022
VdB 15 reflection nebula
Lynds Bright Nebula 587
Published in the Astronomy Magazine April 2022
NGC6914, vdB131 & vdB132 in SHO RGB
Bubble nebula and friends
Sharpless 140
Barnard 150 - The Seahorse nebula
Photo of the month in the BBC Sky at Night magazine - January 2022 issue
Published in the Astronomy Now Magazine - December 2021 Issue
Tulip nebula and Cygnus X-1 Bow shock
Sadr region (y Cyg nebula and lots of DWBs, LBNs, LDNs and Barnard's Dark nebulae) now with added Oiii, Sii and a bit more Ha
APOD by Gruppo Astrofili Galileo Galilei - 09.10.2021 (different version)
The emission nebula Sharpless 112
The Emission nebula SH2-124
Astronomy Now Magazine - Picture of the Month Nov. 2021
Astronomy Magazine - August 2022
Sharpless 132 - The Lion Nebula
Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day (AAPOD2) 01.09.2021
Astronomy photo of the day by 03.09.2021
Published in the BBC Sky at Night magazine - November 2021 issue
Published in the Astronomy Now magazine - March 2022 issue
Sadr region (y Cyg nebula and lots of DWBs, LBNs, LDNs and Barnard's Dark nebulae)
SH2-115 and SH2-116
Astrobin Top Pic:
Published in the Sky & Telescope Magazine - January 2022 issue
1st photo is a rework and the 2nd is the original
DWB111 - Propeller nebula in HaRGB
Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day (AAPOD2) 18.06.2021
Published in the Sky & Telescope magazine - September 2021 issue
NGC4631 and NGC4656, Whale and Crowbar Galaxies
Messier 92
The Cocoon Galaxy
Close up of the Butterfly in the Sadr region
Published in the Astronomy Now magazine, July 2021
Messier 3
The Needle galaxy
The Blue Horsehead
Messier 44 - The Beehive Cluster
Messier 81 and Messier 82, Bode's and Cigar galaxies
Jewels of Auriga, The Tadpoles, The Spider and The Fly
Orion's belt and sword
Simeis 147 (Spaghetti nebula)
NGC2112 in HaLRGB
Trifid and Lagoon nebulae and the M21 star cluster
Messier 106 galaxy, a few other small ones and the furthest object that
I ever captured
Quasar 7C 121446.70+472852.00 – Magnitude 19.5 quasar – 15 billion light years away
APOD by 14.03.2021
APOD by Grupo Astrofili Galileo Galilei 22.03.2021
M97 and M108 - Owl nebula and Surboard galaxy
Messier 78
IC1396 - The Elephant's Trunk nebula
NGC7380 - The Wizard Nebula
NGC 1528 and NGC 1545 or the m&m double cluster
NGC1501 and NGG1502
Rosette nebula and the Bok Globules "Animal parade"
APOD by Grupo Astrofili Galileo Galilei 23.03.2021
Published in the Astronomy Now Magazine and the BBC Sky at Night Magazine, April 2021
Also featured on the Astronomy Now website
NGC 6820 and NGC 6823
The Orion and Running man nebulae in HaRGB
NGC7635 and NGC7538
Messier 36
The Crescent Nebula in HOO
SH2-155, The Cave Nebula (Widefield HaRGB)
NGC 5005
NGC7822 in Hubble Palette
Jewels of the Orion Constellation in L(Ha)R(Ha)GB
The Great Orion Nebula
LDN 1235 - The Dark Shark Nebula
Messier 16 - The Eagle nebula
NGC 457 - The Owl cluster
North America complex in Bi colour
(15 pane mosaic, 150 hours total integration time)
NGC7023 - Iris nebula
Messier 33 - Triangulum galaxy
Published in the BBC Sky at night Magazine December 2020 issue
SH2-155, The Cave Nebula
NGC7129 - The Rosebud Nebula
Messier 13 - Hercules Globular Cluster
NGC2403 (Cadwell 7)
Abell 39
The Crab Nebula and The Crab Pulsar
Headphones nebula - Jones-Emberson 1 (PK 164+31.1)
Rosette nebula
Leo Triplet
Andromeda Galaxy
IC2177 - Seagull Nebula
NGC2359 - Thor's Helmet in HOO
Jellyfish nebula in HaLRGB. In collaboration with C G Astrophotography by Carl Gough
Messier 76 - The Little Dumbbell nebula
The Deer Lick group and Stephan's quintet
The Pleiades, M45
The Veil Nebula - The Cygnus Loop (2 Pane Mosaic)
Elephant's Trunk Nebula
Busy part of the Auriga Constellation, 4 panel mosaic
The Cygnus wall in Hubble palette
The Double Cluster in Perseus
California Nebula
The Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946), the star cluster NGC 6939
and the SN2017eaw supernova
Heart and Soul nebulas, 4 panel mosaic
Y Cas nebulae or The Ghost of Cassiopeia, IC 63 and IC 59
IC 1795 - The Fish Head nebula
NGC6888 - The Crescent nebula
DWB111 - The Propeller nebula
North America Nebula - Widefield HaLRGB
Published in the BBC Sky at Night magazine - August 2019
Thank you!